Enumeration is the first attack on target network; Enumeration is a process to gather the information about user names, machine names, network resources, shares and services ; Enumeration makes a fixed active connection to a system

Tools and techniques using for Enumeration
CMD Command :
There are many cmd commands are there but sorry to say its not working for all windows os(tried but failed)
But it is so EFFECTIVE in local area connections :) 

1. net use : (Works only in xp and 2000) (tested not worked)
syntax : net use \\<ip address>\IPC$ ""/u:""
Example : net use \\\IPS$ ""/u:""
Defn : It connects to its hidden inner process communication (IPS$) of with build in anonymous user (u:) with a null password ("")

2.nbtstat   : (tested and worked )
Syntax : nbtstat -A<ip address>
Example : nbtstat -A<>
Use : Will get the NetBIOS information and MAC address of the system

3.FTP Enumeration 
syntax : ftp <ftp servername> 
Example : ftp ftp.gnuplot.info

4. telnet 
Syantax : telnet <URL/IP> <port number>
Example : telnet www.csice.edu.in 80 (http port number)
Use : connect to a server
PORT              NUMBER
http                       80
ftp                          21
telnet                    23
smtp                     25
dns                        53
tftp                        69
finger                    79
NetBios                137 
 TO VIEW FULL ABOUT PORT :en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers 

Tools using for Enumeration 

1.Super scan
We are familiar with the tool Super scan in chapter 2


2.IP Tools
It gave information about 
local info
- examines the local host and shows info about processor, memory, Winsock data, etc
Connection Monitor
- displays information about current TCP and UDP network connections
NetBIOS Info
- gets NetBIOS information about network interfaces (local and remote computers)
NB Scanner
- shared resources scanner
SNMP Scanner
- scans network(s) for SNMP enabled devices
Name Scanner
- scans all hostnames within a range of IP addresses
Port Scanner
- scans network(s) for active TCP based services
UDP Scanner
- scans network(s) for active UDP based services
Ping Scanner
- pings a remote hosts over the network 
- traces the route to a remote host over the network
- obtains information about a Internet host or domain name from the NIC (Network Information Center)
- retrieves information about user from a remote host
- looks for domain names according to its IP address or an IP address from its domain name
- gets time from time servers (also it can set correct time on local system)
- telnet client
- HTTP client
- shows network traffic in real time (as a set of charts)
Host Monitor
- monitors up/down status of selected hosts.
Trap Watcher
- allows you to receive and process SNMP Trap messages.

Download from : www.ks-soft.net/ip-tools.eng/downpage.htm

3.softperfect network  scanner
>Pings computers and displays those alive.
>Detects hardware MAC-addresses, even across routers.
>Detects hidden shared folders and writable ones.
>Detects your internal and external IP addresses.
>Scans for listening TCP ports, some UDP and SNMP services.
>Retrieves currently logged-on users, configured user accounts, uptime, etc.
>You can mount and explore network resources.
>Can launch external third party applications.
>Exports results to HTML, XML, CSV and TXT
>Supports Wake-On-LAN, remote shutdown and sending network messages.
>Retrieves potentially any information via WMI.
>Retrieves information from remote registry, file system and service manager.

Download from:www.softperfect.com/products/networkscanner/ 

SomarSoft's DumpSec is a security auditing program for Microsoft Windows® NT/XP/200x. It dumps the permissions (DACLs) and audit settings (SACLs) for the file system, registry, printers and shares in a concise, readable format, so that holes in system security are readily apparent. DumpSec also dumps user, group and replication information.

Download from : www.systemtools.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?DumpAcl

5.Enumerate systems using default password 
Many devices like router, switches, hubs,.......... uses default password; in this website its a collection of default passwords

Visit: www.phenoelit-us.org/dpl/dpl.html

so lets move to our 4th chapter (System hacking)